I've had some days off work recently, and some productive weekends, so there are some pictures of completed units.
The recent stuff - 2 blocks of Numidian horse (Wargames Factory), Carthaginian Cavalry and Elephant (Gripping Beast) and Numidian Spear (Wargames Factory)
My personal commitment of figures to the project is well over half way now - 150 out of 210 foot troops and all the cavalry. There are, however, a couple of gaps in the overall list I'll probably pick up on.
One thing thats been bothering me is what are described as "Levy african spearman" in the list. The figures I've used are from Gripping Beast and are very nice, but to my eyes they look a bit well equipped and formal for Levy. I thought about using Wargames Factory Numidians, but the Levy are meant to be armoured. I thought about green stuffing linen armour onto 60 of the Numidians, and got a headache.
I've also been talking to some other members of the "gang". George kindly offered to do the 2 units of Brutians on top of his existing commitments, and Guy is busily converting citizen infantry. The folk at Gripping Beast showed me their scenery boards and confirmed the available troops, so things are moving along steadily.
One down side is that I had thought we might be able to showcase WAB 2 at the game, but it looks like this wont be possible now.
Gripping Beast Carthaginian Cavalry
Those are very nice. Almost makes we wish I was still doing 25/8s again.